Eat healthy food and move more every day - HE1333

Simple messages, with pictures, about healthy eating and physical activity.
The full resource:
Eat healthy food and move more every day
This brochure shows how you can eat healthy and move more throughout the day.
Start your day with breakfast
Choose whole grain breads or cereals. Have low- or reduced-fat milkOR
Sit less, move more
Doing some physical activity is better than none
Enjoy a variety of healthy foods
Try to include vegetables and/or fruit with all meals
Make your own lunch
Leftovers are a great choice
Drink plenty of water
Be active throughout the day
Do some moderate or vigorous physical activities
Moderate activities
Take time to enjoy a meal with others
Have plenty of vegetables
Add a can of beans or lentils to the meal to make it go further
Do activities you enjoy
Strengthen your muscles
Vigorous activities
Choose healthy snacks and drinks between meals
Go for snacks rich in vitamins and minerals and low in saturated fat, added
sugar and salt
Tap water is best
More information
For more information, see the booklet Healthy Eating, Active Living (code HE1518).
For easy, fast and aff ordable food ideas, visit the Healthy Kids website ( For fun ideas to keep your family active, visit the Healthy Kids website (