Baby and Child Sickness – Danger Signs - English version - HE4240
Two-sided leaflet with English on one side and te reo Māori on the other, describing warning signs of illness in a young child - with a focus on the child's temperature, breathing, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
The full resource:
Get help quickly from a doctor if your baby or young child shows any of the signs listed below. Learn CPR (rescue breathing) to be prepared for emergencies.
Cannot be woken or is responding less than usual to what is going on around.
Has glazed eyes and is not focusing on anything.
Seems more floppy, drowsy or less alert than usual.
Has a convulsion or fit.
Has an unusual cry (high pitched, weak or continuous) for one hour or more.
Has severe abdominal pain.
Has a bulge in the groin that gets bigger with crying.
- Young babies (less than 3 months old) need a more cautious approach. If your child is under 3 months old and you are worried about them, take them to your doctor. Trust your instinct.
- Feels too cold or hot (temperature below 35°C or above 38.5°C).
Skin colour and circulation
Blue colour develops around the mouth.
A rash develops with reddish-purple spots or bruises.
Skin is much paler than usual or suddenly goes very white.
Struggles to breathe or stops breathing.
Breathes more quickly than normal or grunts when breathing out.
Wheezes when breathing out.
Vomiting and diarrhoea
Has vomited up at least half of their feed (food or milk) after each of the last three feeds.
Vomit is green.
Has both vomiting and diarrhoea.
Has drunk less fluid and has fewer wet nappies or visits to the toilet than usual.
Has blood in their poo.
Emergency numbers:
Police/Fire/Ambulance 111
National Poisons Centre 0800 764 766
Healthline 0800 611 116