Cervical screening: how to do the HPV self-test Easy Read HE1233

Easy Read step-by-step instructions for doing the cervical screening HPV self-test.
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Please note that this is information on how to do the test, not the test kit. Please contact a health provider to arrange a test.
The full resource:
Cervical Screening: How to do the HPV self-test
This guide will help you collect your own vaginal sample. If you are unsure about anything or have any difficulty with the test, ask your healthcare provider for help.
For more information about the National Cervical Screening Programme, HPV and cervical cancer, your options, and where to book an appointment, visit www.TimeToCervicalScreen.nz or freephone 0800 729 729 from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday, and 9am – 1pm Saturday, or email screening@health.govt.nz