Flu 2025 - NIP8714 Protecting your pēpi from flu starts during pregnancy - DL flyer

Information for hapū māmā about getting the flu vaccination during pregnancy.
Printed copies can be ordered from the National Immunisation Programme Bluestar portal https://portal.bluestar.co.nz/login/moh_vaccine
The full resource:
Protecting your pēpi from flu starts during pregnancy
If you’re pregnant, get your FREE flu vaccine now
If you get the flu during pregnancy, you’re more likely than other adults to have serious complications.
Getting the FREE flu vaccine while hapū gives you the best possible protection against flu. It reduces the risk of both you and pēpi from getting the flu, having serious complications, and needing treatment in hospital.
You can have the flu vaccine any time during your pregnancy.
What’s the flu (influenza)?
The flu isn’t just a common cold. It can be serious and make some people very sick. If you get the flu when you’re hapū (pregnant) it’s a risk to your life and your unborn baby. Pregnant people who get the flu have higher rates of early birth, miscarriage, stillbirth and lower birth weight.
Although having the vaccination doesn’t guarantee you won’t catch the flu, it will give you and your baby more protection if you do catch it..
How can I protect myself and my unborn baby from the flu?
Newborns and young infants are more likely to end up in hospital with the flu than older children. When a pregnant person has their flu vaccine during pregnancy the antibodies made by the mother pass through the placenta and will provide pēpi with some immunity when they are born.
Is the flu vaccine safe for my unborn baby?
The flu vaccine has been used by pregnant people for many years and has an excellent safety rating.
What side effects might I get after the flu vaccination?
You can’t catch the flu from the vaccine because the vaccine doesn’t contain any live flu virus. After your immunisation you might experience soreness at the vaccination site, body aches and pains, fever or feeling tired. Most side effects shouldn’t last longer than 24 - 48 hours. Side effects after your flu vaccination is a sign that your body’s immune system is making protective antibodies.
Can I get my flu vaccine at the same time as other immunisations?
Yes, you can. Ask your vaccinator to check what other vaccines you are due for. If you are in your second or third trimester you can have your free whooping cough vaccine at the same time, but don’t delay getting your flu vaccine. Having all your immunisations on time provides the best protection for you and pēpi.
Where can I get my FREE flu vaccine?
You can get your free flu vaccine at your healthcare provider including many pharmacies.
To book your vaccine visit info.health.nz/bookavaccine
For more information about getting immunised against flu
talk to your midwife, doctor, nurse, pharmacist
call the Vaccination Helpline on 0800 28 29 26
visit info.health.nz/flu