Helplines and local mental health services - HE2546

January 2025
This resource relates to the following topics:

Resource giving a directory of helplines and local mental health service contact details, along with a checklist of actions to take in an emergency situation.

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January 2025
January 2025
Booklet A5
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January 2025

Tēnā koe

In this resource you will find a directory of helplines and local mental health service contact details.

To help connect people with their local communities for specific or wider support, this resource includes a blank page for you to fill in with any local helplines and personal supports.

It’s okay to reach out for help – never hesitate if you are concerned about yourself or someone else.

Kia mau ki te tūmanako, te whakapono me te aroha
Hold fast to hope, faith and love

In a crisis or emergency

If someone has attempted suicide or you’re worried about their immediate safety, do the following:

  • Call your local mental health crisis assessment team (numbers are further below) or go with them to the emergency department (ED) of your nearest hospital
  • If they are in immediate physical danger to themselves or others, call 111
  • Stay with them until support arrives
  • Remove any obvious means of suicide they might use (e.g. ropes, pills, guns, car keys, knives, poisons.)
    If they live in a high-rise building, help them find somewhere to stay in single-level accommodation.
  • Try to stay calm, take some deep breaths. Let them know you care
  • Keep them talking: listen and ask questions without judging
  • Make sure you are safe

​More information and support

For more information and support, talk to your local doctor, medical centre, hauora, community mental health team, school counsellor or counselling service.

If you don’t get the help you need the first time, keep trying.

Below is a list of some services available which offer support, information and help.

Need to talk? Free call or text 1737
Talk with a trained counsellor, anytime.

For counselling and support

  • Lifeline 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP) - here to listen and support
  • Samaritans 0800 726 666 – for confidential support for anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress
  • Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 or free text 4202 – to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions
  • Healthline 0800 611 116 – for advice from experienced health staff

All services are free, and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week unless otherwise stated.

For children and young people

  • Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234, email or online chat at – for young people and their parents, whānau and friends
  • What’s Up 0800 942 8787 (0800 WHATSUP) call (11am – 11pm) or online chat at (11am 10:30pm) every day - for 5-19 year olds
  • – a free online tool for anyone who needs help working through problems
  • – a space for rangatahi to find support for your hauora, identity, culture and mental health
  • – an online game to help young people who are feeling down
  • - a free app for young people to help you cope with stress. Includes the Aroha chatbot.

Help for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people

  • NZ Relay - helps users to connect with services over the phone
  • NZ Police 111TXT - register with the New Zealand Police for the 111TXT service.
  • TXT, messenger, online chat - many services in this brochure offer txt, messenger or online chat services.

For help with specific issues

  • 0508 TAUTOKO Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865 – if you, or someone you know, may be thinking about suicide, call for support from a trained counsellor
  • OUTLine 0800 688 5463 (0800 OUTLINE) - for sexuality or gender identity issues 6pm – 9pm
  • Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797, free text 8681 or online chat at - for people dealing with alcohol or other drug problems. Māori, Pasifika and youth lines available.
  • Gambling Helpline 0800 654 655 free text 8006 or online chat at - for help if you are gambling or are concerned about someone else's gambling. Māori, Pasifika and youth lines available.
  • 1737 Peer Support call 1737 and choose Peer Support – to talk to someone with personal experience about your mental health or addiction concerns.
    2pm – 10pm daily.

  • Rural Support 0800 787 254 – for people in rural communities dealing with challenges
  • Vaka Tautua 0800 652 535 (0800 OLA LELEI) - free national Pacific helpline. Mon-Fri 8.30am - 5pm. The team speaks Samoan, Tongan, Cook Islands Māori and English
  • Anxiety Helpline 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY) - for people with all forms of anxiety and families and friends
  • PlunketLine 0800 933 922 – support for parents, including mothers experiencing postnatal depression
  • Sexual Harm Helpline 0800 044 334 or text 4334 or webchat at - to talk about sexual harm and find help for yourself or others
  • Women’s Refuge Crisis Line 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE) – for women living with violence, or in fear, in their relationship or family
  • National Rape & Sexual Abuse Crisis Line 0800 883 300 – for support after rape or sexual assault
  • 24/7 HELPline 0800 623 1700 - support for sexual abuse survivors
  • Shakti Crisis Line 0800 742 584 (0800 SHAKTI) – multilingual helpline for migrant or refugee women living with family violence
  • Family violence info line 0800 456 450 or chat at - to talk about family violence and find help for yourself or others
  • EDANZ 0800 233 269 (0800 2 EDANZ) – for information, support and resources about supporting someone with an eating disorder
  • Asian Family Services 0800 862 342 or - provides professional, confidential support in multiple languages to Asians living in New Zealand, Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm
  • Netsafe 0508 638 723 - support for online safety, incl harassment or bullying, scams and fraud, and harmful digital content,
    Mon-Fri 8am – 8pm; Sat-Sun 9am – 5pm
  • - a collection of online tools to help you calm your mind, manage your stress and lift your mood

For families, whānau and friends

  • Yellow Brick Road 0800 732 825 – for families and whānau supporting a loved one who lives with a mental illness, Mon-Fri
    8am – 4.30pm
  • Skylight  0800 299 100 – for support through trauma, loss and grief, Mon-Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm
  • Aoake te Rā 0800 000 053 - free counselling for people
    bereaved by suicide, Mon-Fri 8.30 - 5pm
  • The Grief Centre 0800 331 333 - for grief counselling, support groups and information about loss, grief, trauma or difficult change, Mon-Fri 9am – 4pm
  • Victim Support 0800 842 846 – 24 hour support for people affected by crime, trauma and suicide
  • Le Va – information and support for Pasifika families on mental health, addiction and suicide prevention
  • After a Suicide - a website offering practical information and guidance to people who have lost someone to suicide
  • Mental Health Foundation – for more information about supporting someone in distress, looking after your own mental health and working toward recovery

Mental health crisis team contact numbers

Northland Topuni to North Cape

Whangārei (09) 430 4101 ext 3537

Kaipara (09) 439 3330 ext 65401

Mid-North 0800 643 647

Far-North (09) 408 9187

After Hours (all) 0800 223 371

Waitematā Wellsford to North Shore

North Shore (09) 486 8900

Henderson (09) 822 8501

Rodney (09) 427 0360

Auckland Auckland City Central Auckland 0800 800 717
Counties Manukau South Auckland to Te Kauwhata

South Auckland (09) 261 3700

After hours 0800 775 222

Waikato Coromandel, Hamilton to National Park Hamilton 0800 505 050
Bay of Plenty Tauranga, Whakatāne to Te Kaha Tauranga 0800 800 508
Whakatāne 0800 774 545
Tairāwhiti Hicks Bay to Gisborne

Gisborne 0800 243 500
or after 10pm call (06) 869 0512

Lakes Rotorua, Taupō, Tūrangi Lakes 0800 166 167
Hawke’s Bay Wairoa, Napier, Hastings, Waipukurau Napier, Hastings 0800 112 334
Taranaki New Plymouth to Waverly New Plymouth 0508 292 467
Whanganui Ohakune, Whanganui to Bulls Whanganui 0800 653 358
Mid Central Palmerston North to Peka Peka Mid Central 0800 653 357
Wairarapa Masterton to Martinborough Wairarapa 0508 432 432
Hutt Valley Lower and Upper Hutt 0800 745 477
Capital & Coast Kāpiti to Wellington,
incl Porirua
0800 745 477
Nelson Marlborough

Nelson region


Golden Bay area

Nelson 0800 776 364

Marlborough 0800 948 497

Golden Bay 03 525 7647

Canterbury Kaikōura to Ashburton Christchurch 0800 920 092
West Coast West Coast, South Island Greymouth 0800 757 678
South Canterbury Timaru, Mt Cook, Tekapo, Temuka, Waimate Timaru 0800 277 997
Dunedin, Milford Sound south to Stewart Island 0800 467 846
Press 1 for Southland
Press 2 for Otago
  Make a note of the number for your local mental health service  

Phone numbers are subject to change. If you or someone else is in danger or at risk of harm, please call 111.

For more information and services

  • Family Services Directory
    To help you find local community services to support you with all manner of issues such as parenting, special needs, family support, family violence, custody and access, child behaviour, life skills, counselling, addiction, sexual abuse, grief and loss and more
  • Wellbeing support
    Find local support services through the Access and Choice programme, which can provide people with support and guidance through challenging times
  • Healthify
    Access up-to-date, Aotearoa-based information about a range of health issues and conditions
  • Healthpoint
    Find a health provider in your region and for your health concern. Up-to-date information about healthcare providers, referral expectations and services offered.
    Seach for kaupapa Māori health providers here Kaupapa Māori • Healthpoint
  • Just a thought
    Free online courses, resources and tools to learn about depression, anxiety and stress and improve your wellbeing

For more information about mental health and supporting your wellbeing, visit the Mental Health Foundation website:

Order our free resources here:

Add your own numbers here. These may include the number for your local mental health service, local helplines, organisations, iwi services, whānau and other personal supports.