Immunisation Certificate - NIP8858

Stand-alone form replicating immunisation certificate page in the Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Book (code HE7012).
The full resource:
The Immunisation Certificate
Children need an immunisation certificate to show if they are fully immunised or not. The vaccinator will sign the certificate when giving the 15 month immunisations and again after the immunisations prior to school entry. If you choose against immunisation, the certificate can be signed by the vaccinator at any time.
When your child starts at an early childhood centre, kōhanga reo or primary school you will be asked to show the certificate. The information, which you can check, will be recorded in a register.
The Medical Officer of Health can check the register. If there is a threat of disease in your area, children not immunised may be asked to stay at home until after the disease has gone, to help stop it spreading. The purpose of the certificate is to safeguard the health of New Zealand children.
Tiwhikete Ārainga Mate
Me tino whiwhi tiwhikete ārainga mate ngā tamariki hei whakaatu mehemea kua tino whiwhi rātou ki te ārainga mate, kāore rānei. Ringa tuku rongoā āraimate e haina te tiwhikete i te wā e hoatu ana ia i ngā ārainga mate i te ekenga o te kōhungahunga ki te 15 marama te pakeke, i mua hoki i te haerenga ōna ki te kura. Mehemea kāore koe e whakaae ki te kaupapa ārainga mate, kāti ka taea e ringa tuku rongoā āraimate te haina te tiwhikete ahakoa he aha te wā.
Ka tīmata ana tō tamaiti i tētahi pokapū kōhungahunga, i tētahi kōhanga reo, i tētahi kura tuatahi rānei, me whakaatu e koe te tiwhikete ārainga mate, ā, ka tuhia tēnei whakaaturanga ki roto i te rēhita. Ka whai huarahi koe ki te titiro ki ngā whakaaturanga e pā ana ki tō tamaiti.
Ka taea e te Āpiha Hauora te tirotiro te rēhita. Mehemea ka puta tētahi whakatūpato, arā, he tino mate kua heipū i roto i tō rohe, tērā pea ka whakahautia ngā tamariki kāore anō kia mahia kia noho ki te kāinga kia ngaro rawa taua mate, arā, hei aukati i te āhua o te hora haere o taua mate.
Ko te tikanga o te tiwhikete nei, arā, hei tiaki i te hauora o ngā tamariki o Aotearoa.