Keep yourself protected against covid DL flyer - NIP8959

DL leaflet about the covid vaccination.
Printed copies can be ordered from the Immunisation Bluestar portal
The full resource:
Keep yourself protected against covid
Covid is a highly contagious disease that affects your lungs, airways and other organs. There are different strains that spread between people and affect them differently.
Some people with covid can become very sick and need to go to the hospital. Those immunised are less likely to fall seriously ill.
How can I protect myself from covid?
One of the best ways to stay protected against serious illness is to get immunised against covid.
For more ways you can keep yourself and others safe visit
Who can get the covid vaccine?
Initial doses of the covid vaccine are available for everyone aged 5 and over. They are also available to tamariki from 6 months who are at greater risk of severe illness if they were to get covid.
Additional covid vaccine doses
Additional doses are free and available to people aged 30 years and over and for people aged 12 years and older, if they meet the eligibility criteria.
One additional dose may be available for children from 6 months with a health condition. Talk to your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider about your child’s specific circumstances.
Side effects and reactions
After your immunisation you might experience pain, itching, redness at the vaccination site, aches and pains, fever, chest discomfort and feeling generally unwell and tired. Most side effects shouldn’t last long.
For more information about the covid vaccine, who can get it, as well as possible side effects and reactions, visit
Can I get my covid vaccine at the same time as other immunisations?
Yes, you can. It’s safe to have the covid vaccine at the same time as many other immunisations. All vaccines available in New Zealand have been thoroughly assessed for safety and effectiveness.
Being up to date with your immunisations gives you the best possible protection against serious illness.
Where can I get my FREE covid vaccine?
You can get your FREE covid vaccine at your healthcare provider. Many pharmacies also offer the covid vaccine.
To book your vaccination visit or call the Vaccination Helpline on 0800 28 29 26. Calls are free, callers can opt to speak with a Māori clinician, and interpreters are available.
For more information about protecting yourself against covid
- talk to your doctor, nurse, local pharmacist or healthcare provider
- call Healthline on 0800 611 116
- visit