Rewharewha - Tiakina koutou ko tō whānau A3 poster - NIP8925
This resource relates to the following topics:
A3 poster in te reo Māori about booking a free flu vaccinations for those aged 65+ years.
Printed copies can be ordered from the Immunisation Bluestar portal
The full resource:
Tiakina koutou ko tō whānau.
Mēnā he 65+ tō pakeke, me whiwhi i tō rongoā āraimate rewharewha KOREUTU
Ki te tāpui i tō rongoā āraimate rewharewha:
- Haere ki
- Waea atu ki te Vaccination Healthline ki 0800 28 29 26
- Whakapā atu ki tō rata, kēmehi, kaiwhakarato hauora rānei.