My wellbeing/oranga chart - HE2539

This wellbeing/oranga chart will support parents/guardians and their children to create healthy goals and work towards achieving them. Please note that orders for physical pads are only for healthcare workers and orders are restricted to 55 pads at a time.
The full resource:
Using your child's wellbeing/oranga chart
This wellbeing/oranga chart will support you and your child to create healthy goals and work towards achieving them.
To help your child achieve and maintain a healthy weight choose goals that focus on three important areas: eating, moving and sleeping. Here are some ideas to help you.
For a child to develop and grow they need to eat healthy foods.
A goal could be to:
- eat breakfast every day
- eat two different kinds of fruit every day
- drink water or milk every day.
Being active has benefits not just for health and can be fun for the whole family/whānau.
A goal could be to:
- play outside every day
- limit screen time to less than one hour a day.
Sleep helps your child to restore their energy and is important for their growth and development.
A goal could be to:
- go to bed at the same time each evening
- read a story before bed each night.
For great ideas on goals and tips go to:
Supporting parents to set goals
This wellbeing/oranga chart will support parents and their children to create healthy goals and work towards achieving them.
If the family/whānau isn’t familiar with using sticker charts, let them know to:
- talk with their child about what goals they would like to try
- encourage them to agree together how long they want to focus on each goal
- celebrate their child’s achievements with a sticker each day they succeed
- reward their child for achieving their goals.
It’s important to talk to parents about how healthy eating, being active, and sleeping well all affect a child’s health and well-being. Use this chart to help parents and their children (aged under five years) choose one or more goals to work on.
Support parents to talk with their child about setting wellbeing/oranga goals. Include the whole family/whānau in setting a goal for a behaviour they can accomplish every day. Encourage the family/whānau to think about how they might achieve their goal.
Examples include:
- eat more fruit or vegetables
- eat whole grain bread instead of white
- play outside every day
- follow a bedtime routine each night – such as, bath or shower, brush teeth, story, bed, lights out.
For more ideas to help parents set goals and rewards, go to