Repeat Newborn Hearing Screen - HE1923

May 2024
This resource relates to the following topics:

Information for hearing technicians to give to parents and caregivers, when screening carried out as part of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme indicates the need for a further hearing screening test.

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May 2024
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Newborn Screening

Free health checks for your baby

Your baby needs a repeat screen

Today your baby’s hearing was screened as part of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme. We’d like to screen your baby again to make a further check of your baby’s hearing.

Why does my baby need a repeat screen?

Some babies need another screen because the earlier screening did not show a strong enough response in one or both ears. This may be because:

  • your baby was unsettled
  • there was too much noise in the testing room
  • there was fluid in your baby’s middle ear
  • your baby may have a hearing loss.

The repeat screen will be done either before you and your baby leave hospital or as an outpatient appointment. It is important that you keep this appointment. It is the best way to be sure about your baby’s hearing. You will be told the results straight away.

Repeat hearing screen

Baby’s name ______________________________

NHI: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________

Time: ______________________________

Place: ______________________________

What happens if the repeat screen does not give a clear result?

You will be referred to a hearing specialist (audiologist) who will do more tests and give further advice. The audiologist will do a thorough check of your baby’s hearing.

If your baby does have a hearing loss, finding it early is good for their language, learning and social development.

For more information about your baby’s repeat hearing screen, check with:

  • the hospital that carries out the hearing screening
  • your midwife, doctor, specialist or Well Child provider.

The Well Child Tamariki Ora checks include questions for parents about their baby’s hearing. The nurse also asks questions about your child’s hearing, speech and language progress. Should you have concerns about the way your child listens or responds, it is important to discuss this with your Well Child nurse, early childhood teacher or your doctor.

For further information about newborn hearing screening, visit the National Screening Unit’s website: