Year 7 and Year 8 Immunisation DVD - HE2432

Please note that orders are restricted to five DVDs.
The full resource:
View the videos online below.
The videos are also available on DVD. However, priority will be given to those in regions where downloading or viewing of online videos is difficult due to poor internet access. Limit is 5 DVDs per order. The DVDs are to be used by public health nurses and teachers for school-based public health education only. Orders are not available for the general public.
The video below explains Year 7 immunisation and provides information about the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination, including what immunisation does and why you need it. It explains how immunisations work and how to get parental consent.
The video below explains Year 8 immunisation and provides information about the human papillomavirus, the vaccine that helps to protect against HPV and why you need it.