Sands Support Pack: Information for When Your Baby Dies - HE2324

A set of six pamphlets designed to support parents who have lost a baby. Includes: The Next Few Days, Your Baby's Funeral, Fathers/Partners Grieve Too, When a Baby Brother or Sister Dies, The Loss of a Grandchild and Transporting Your Baby. These pamphlets may be read online, or you can order a hard copy of the pack by contacting Sands. See ‘Further information’ below.
The full resource:
Sands is a parent-run nationwide group supporting whānau/families who have experienced the death of a baby.
Most of our members are also bereaved parents. We promote awareness, as well as providing information and support for those dealing with the death of a baby during pregnancy, at birth, as a newborn or into infancy. We are non-judgemental and provide support under any circumstances. Your local Sands group may offer the following forms of support: support group meetings, telephone support, one to one visits and provide resources and information. Sands groups may also provide support and memory making items through the hospitals. We extend our sincere sympathy to you at this very sad time and invite you to make contact with us if you wish.
For local and national contact details or to request this resource, visit our website at Sands New Zealand - Pregnancy, Baby and Infant Loss Support, New Zealand