Aotearoa Immunisation Register - NIP8901

December 2023
This resource relates to the following topics:

Information about how your immunisation details are recorded in the AIR.

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December 2023
December 2023
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Information about how immunisation details are recorded

The Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) records information about people’s immunisations in Aotearoa New Zealand, including pēpi (babies) and tamariki (children). The AIR is used to view immunisation history and can help to manage public health risks against vaccine preventable diseases.

The AIR keeps a record of:

  • your National Health Index (NHI) number, date of birth and gender,
  • details about the immunisations you receive,
  • if you choose not to have a free vaccination that you are eligible for,
  • the accompanying person’s name (where required for children under 16 years)

Your name, ethnicity, contact details and healthcare provider details are not stored in the AIR, but can be accessed by authorised users of the AIR through the NHI and National Enrolment Service systems. By using these systems, healthcare providers can link your name to your information in the AIR.

How your information is used

The information collected in the AIR will only be used for the purposes it was collected. This includes:

  • managing your health,
  • keeping you and others safe,
  • planning and funding health services,
  • training healthcare professionals,
  • supporting broader health and social services,
  • carrying out authorised research, including preparing and publishing statistics.

      The AIR will make sure that information about your immunisations remain up to date, even if you change providers or use another health service.

      Who can access your information

      People with AIR log on access can see, add or change the information held in the AIR.
      They include:

      • people involved in managing or administering vaccines such as vaccinators and administration staff,
      • other health professionals who work with you such as your doctor or hospital staff,
      • Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand staff working on vaccination programmes and vaccine-related public health campaigns, including outbreak response, contract tracing and recall programmes.

      Information may also be shared with organisations and individuals who provide health services but do not have AIR log on access.

      Everyone who can access the AIR is trained to keep your personal information safe. Access to the AIR is recorded and can be audited. 

      These decisions are made in line with Data Sharing Agreements approved by the Te Whatu Ora Data Governance Group.

      If you do not want your information to be shared

      The Aotearoa Immunisation Register is not currently able to stop your immunisation information from being shared. We’re expecting to have an option available in early 2024.

      In the meantime, you can request a form to fill out to let us know that you do not want your information shared by emailing You will need to complete the form and send it back to us.

      If you get an immunisation before the AIR is able to stop your information from being shared, details about any immunisations you receive may be shared as explained above.

      Please note that even if you choose to withhold your immunisation information from being shared, your immunisation records may still be accessed in the event of an emergency or with your agreement.

      Accessing and correcting your information 

      To request your personal information and immunisation records or make a correction to your information held in the AIR please email 

      Contact us

      If you have any questions about the AIR please speak to your healthcare provider or contact

      More information

      More information about the AIR, how your information is used and who can access it can be found in the full privacy statement at