B4 School Check Promotional A4 Poster all regions - Tongan version - HE2468

This resource relates to the following topics:
An A4 poster in Tongan promoting the final Well Child Tamariki Ora B4 School health check in the year before children start school. This resource contains information about how to contact a local provider in your area.
The full resource:
‘Osi ta‘u 4?
Fakahoko ho sivi ta‘etotongi B4 School Check!
Ko ha sivi faingofua ki he mo‘ui lelei mo e tupulaki ‘a ho‘o tama´ ke ne ma‘u ai ‘a e kamata lelei taha´ ‘i he‘ene hū ki he ako´.
Ke toe ma‘u atu ha fakamatala lahi ange:
Vakai ki he health.govt.nz/b4schoolcheck
Telefoni ki he kautaha fakahoko sēvesi ‘i ho feitu‘ú
‘Aokalani: 0800 104 105 ‘I tu‘a mei ‘Aokalani: 0800 933 922