B4 School Check A3 promotional poster all regions - Samoan - HE2445

This resource relates to the following topics:
An A3 poster in Samoan promoting the final Well Child Tamariki Ora B4 School health check in the year before children start school. This resource is intended for use throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and contains information about how to contact a local provider in your area.
The full resource:
Ua atoa lona 4 tausaga?
Siaki a o lei Amata Aoaoga
Siaki le soifua maloloina ma le tuputupu a‘e o lou alo ina ia sili ona lelei le amataga o ana aoaoga.
Mo nisi faamatalaga:
Asiasi i le health.govt.nz/b4schoolcheck
Valaau le auaunaga faalotoifale o lata ane
Aukilani: 0800 104 105
Fafo atu o Aukilani: 0800 933 922