Bowel screening test kit instructions - English - HE2750

This resource relates to the following topics:
The full resource:
How the bowel screening test works
- You use this test kit to take a poo sample.
- You send the sample back to us in the envelope (it’s free).
- We test your sample and let you know your result.
Do you need help?
Please call 0800 924 432 for free. Tell us which language you would like to speak in. Your call will be answered in English but we can then arrange for someone to talk to you about
bowel screening in your preferred language.
How to use your test kit
Peel off one barcode sticker from the Consent Form and stick on the flat
side of tube.
Write the date you do the test on the consent form. Fill in the rest of the form.
- Urinate (pee) and then flush the toilet if you can.
Put some toilet paper in the toilet.
Lay the sample sheet on top of the toilet paper.
Do your bowel motion (poo) on the sample sheet.
Twist the lid off the tube, quickly – before the poo sinks.
Put the end of the green stick into the poo, so the tip of the stick is well covered.
You only need a tiny sample.
- Put the stick back into the tube. Push the lid down to click shut. There is a
clear fluid in the tube for your sample.
Flush the toilet and wash your hands.
The sample paper can be flushed.
Put the tube into the zip-lock bag.
Squeeze the zip-lock to seal.
- Put the zip-lock bag with the tube and the consent form into the return envelope.
Post the test on the same day or next day as delays could spoil your sample.