Free bowel screening every two years - English - HE2730

Gives brief information in English promoting the free National Bowel Screening Programme for people aged 60–74, and directing to sources of additional information.
The full resource:
Regular bowel screening can save lives by helping find cancer early when it can often be successfully treated.
Free bowel screening is available every two years for people aged 60 to 74 years.
When it's your turn to be screened you will be sent an invitation letter, a consent form and a bowel screening test kit. The test is done at home and is quick and simple.
More information on bowel screening is available at TimeToBowelScreen or call 0800 924 432 Monday to Friday 8am-6pm.
See your doctor straight away if you have symptoms such as a change in your normal bowel habit that continues for several weeks, or blood in your bowel motion (poo). Don’t wait until your next screening test.