Power to Protect: Never, ever shake a baby - HE2459

This DVD gives information about Shaken Baby Syndrome, the effects it has on babies, and tells the stories of lives who have been affected by the Syndrome. It gives tips on the power people have to protect their infants from harm, and how to cope with a crying baby. Please note that orders are restricted to ten DVDs.
The full resource:
This DVD is only available for providers of health and welfare services including educators for education purposes only, ie, presentations to groups and individuals, including professionals, educators, parents, families, children and young people. Limit is up to a maximum of ten per order. Parents and caregivers can view this content online via YouTube at the Related links below.
HPA distributes the Power to Protect: Never, ever shake a baby DVD under licence on behalf of Starship Foundation. HPA makes no representation and gives no warranties with respect to the content of the DVD or that it will meet your needs as the End User.