Stay Clean As

The Stay Clean As poster for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff promotes key messages on germs, infections, washing, and basic hygiene.
The full resource:
NOTE: This Department of Corrections resource cannot be ordered from this website. All men’s prisons throughout New Zealand received hard copies of this resource in July 2013.
Stay Clean As
Wash and dry your hands after going to the toilet and before eating.
Shower or wash all over every day with soap.
Brush your teeth twice a day.
Don’t spit – it’s gross!
Keep cuts and sores clean and covered.
Keep coughs, colds and other germs to yourself.
Don’t share drinks.
Wear clean underwear and socks every day.
Change sheets and towels often (at least once a week).
This resource is based on information from the Ministry of Health resource Clean As, January 2000.