Vaping Facts - English version - HE2578

February 2025
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This brochure has been developed to accompany the Vaping Facts website. The Vaping Facts website provides credible information about vaping as a way to stop smoking.

This information will be helpful to New Zealanders wishing to quit smoking and to those who support them.

Vaping to quit smoking

Vaping is less harmful than smoking. If you don’t smoke, don’t vape.

Vaping is only for people who smoke and want to quit.

The difference

Vaping is different to smoking

Smoking delivers nicotine by burning tobacco. This can cause smoking-related illnesses. Vaping delivers nicotine in a less harmful way by heating a liquid. While nicotine is addictive, it doesn’t cause cancer or related illnesses.

The benefits

Vaping is less harmful than smoking

Switching from smoking to vaping helps you to manage your cravings for nicotine without the harmful toxins that come from burning tobacco. Vaping also provides many of the behavioural and social aspects of smoking that many people find hard to change.

The risks

Vaping isn’t harmless

Vaping hasn’t been around long enough to know the risks of long-term use. While vaping is likely to be much less harmful than smoking, it’s not harmless. You should plan to eventually quit vaping too, but only when you know you won’t go back to smoking.

Whānau and friends

You can help someone quit smoking

Many people who stop smoking do so because they are encouraged by friends and family. Your support could make a huge difference. Just remind them they’re not alone.

  • Ask them how they are.
  • Remind them you’re there.
  • Be positive.
  • Go to smokefree places.
  • Do active things together.
  • Remind them why they’re quitting.
  • See a local stop smoking service.
  • Recommend they call or text Quitline.
  • Get them to talk to their doctor or pharmacist.

You can support someone to quit by understanding the bigger picture. The reasons people smoke can be a mix of physical (nicotine addiction), social (habits) and emotional.

Helping whānau or friends with other stresses in life can improve their chances of successfully quitting smoking.

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your current and future health.

There are a range of free stop smoking support services and subsidised medications that can make quitting a bit easier.

Vaping can provide the nicotine that people who smoke desire, but with fewer of the toxins that come from burning tobacco. You get to stay social, spend less, and once you’ve quit smoking you’ll feel better for it.

When you are ready, you can start your journey to becoming vapefree too.

Give yourself a chance

Getting support can make a difference in your journey. Your local stop smoking service or Quitline are available to help you and your whānau through any challenges.

To learn about vaping to quit smoking and find a stop smoking service visit