BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents – English version - HE2226

Information in English on how to look after the BCG vaccination site following immunisation against tuberculosis (TB).
The full resource:
How to look after the BCG vaccination site
What to expect after your child receives the BCG vaccine
In 1–6 weeks, a small, red blister may appear where the injection was given. This should heal in a few weeks.
After 6–12 weeks, the blister may turn into a small, weeping sore. If this happens, cover the site with gauze to allow air to get in. Do not use sticking plasters.
The sore may take up to 3 months to heal, and may leave a small scar. This is normal.
How to care for the vaccination site
Keep the site clean and dry
If a sore develops, cover the site with gauze to allow air to get in.
Do not squeeze or scratch the site.
Code: HE2226.
Do not use ointments, oils, or herbs on the site.
Do not put a sticking plaster over the site.
Do not rub or massage the site.
If you have any concerns or need information about TB or the BCG vaccine, please contact your Public Health Nurse.
For any questions or concerns you have after hours please call Healthline on 0800 611 116