Protect tamariki for life. Immunise. NIP8969 - te reo Māori version

Gives details of the National Immunisation Schedule, listing the range of diseases children can be vaccinated against, and when the vaccinations should take place.
The full resource:
Tiakina ngā tamariki mō ngā rā o ō rātou ao. Whāia te ārai mate.
Te hapūtanga
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te pakaua hukihuki
Te whakapokenga korokoro (diptheria)
Te mate tekekō
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te rewharewha
E 6 wiki
Kei te pota 1 e tukuna ana mā ngā kōpata ki te waha:
Te mate huaketo puku (rotavirus)
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te whakapokenga korokoro (diptheria)
Te pakaua hukihuki
Te mate tekekō
Te whakamemeke
Te atekakā B
Te mate haemophilus influenzae momo b (Hib)
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te mate Pneumococcal
E 3 marama
Kei te pota 1 e tukuna ana mā ngā kōpata ki te waha:
Te mate huaketo puku (rotavirus)
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te whakapokenga korokoro (diptheria)
Te pakaua hukihuki
Te mate tekekō
Te whakamemeke
Te atekakā B
Te mate haemophilus influenzae momo b (Hib)
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te meningococcal B (ka taea te tuku i te 8 wiki)
E 5 marama
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te whakapokenga korokoro (diptheria)
Te pakaua hukihuki
Te mate tekekō
Te whakamemeke
Te atekakā B
Te mate haemophilus influenzae momo b (Hib)
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te mate Pneumococcal
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te meningococcal B (ka taea te tuku i te 8 wiki)
12 marama
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te mate karawaka
Te repe hūware pupuhi
Te karawaka tiamana
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te mate Pneumococcal
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te meningococcal B
15 marama
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te mate haemophilus influenzae momo b (Hib)
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te mate karawaka
Te repe hūware pupuhi
Te karawaka tiamana
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te koroputa hei
E 4 ngā tau
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te whakapokenga korokoro (diptheria)
Te pakaua hukihuki
Te mate tekekō
Te whakamemeke
E 9 – 13 ngā tau
Kei te werohanga 1:
Te pakaua hukihuki
Te whakapokenga korokoro (diptheria)
Te mate tekekō
Kei ngā werohanga e rua, e 6 marama te wehenga*
*Me whiwhi ngā tāngata 15 ō rātou tau, neke atu rānei i ngā pota e 3