Snack ideas for Pacific toddlers 1-2 years English HE2662

This resource relates to the following topics:
Meal ideas for Pacific babies and toddlers from 1 to 2 years old. Includes Pacific meal ideas for babies learning to eat, tailored to their age and stage. This resource was co-produced with the Pacific community and uses Pasifika design.
The full resource:
You can start to offer your toddler snacks in between meals.
Think of snacks as ‘mini meals’, with at least two food groups, to keep them full.
- Stuffed egg with grated carrot and cheese
- Chicken with taro in coconut milk
- Mashed pea and avocado on rice cake
- Scrambled eggs with spinach and steamed carrot
- Pancakes with yoghurt and grated apple
- Cheesy grilled broccoli and cauliflower
- Peanut butter and banana on crispbread cracker
- Tuna and mayo, on crackers with sliced orange
- Egg and beetroot wrap
- Crackers with hummus
- Banana topped with peanut butter and coconut
- Yeast spread and cheese toastie with cucumber
- Yoghurt with kiwifruit
- Tuna and cucumber sandwich
- Low salt/sugar baked bean grilled cheese toast
- Cow’s milk with toast
You can now offer whole fat cow’s milk (dark blue label) as a drink.