Referral for a full vision assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - English version - HE2279

Information in English for vision technicians to give to parents and caregivers, when screening for ambylopia (lazy eye) as part of routine Well Child health checks indicates the need for further assessment.
The full resource:
March 2022
Referral for a full vision assessment
Vision Screening
Your child’s vision was screened as part of routine Well Child checks. This screen test showed a possibility that a problem may exist.
It is important that you get an appointment to have your child’s vision assessed. It is the best way to be sure about your child’s vision.
Finding vision problems early is important so help can be given to your child.
Getting an assessment for your child
Make an appointment for your child’s vision to be assessed at your local hospital OR by an optometrist OR by a private ophthalmologist (eye-doctor).
Hospital appointments
- You should be able to get your child’s vision tested at your local hospital. The letter you received with this brochure gives details on getting an appointment.
- You may have to wait for an appointment.
Optometrists or ophthalmologists
- Check online/your telephone book to find the numbers of local optometrists or private ophthalmologists.
Paying for the assessment
Private optometrists and ophthalmologists are likely to charge for the assessment. You should check the cost when you make an appointment.
There is a subsidy available to some families which covers the cost of the assessment. This is part of what is called the Spectacles Subsidy. A brochure on this subsidy is enclosed.
About the assessment...
The assessment
You can ask when you make the appointment how long it will take. The tests done in the assessment are safe for your child. You will get the result of the assessment at the end. Although you are welcome to bring other family members to the appointment, it makes the testing run more smoothly if there are no distractions while the tests are being done.
What if the assessment shows my child has a vision problem?
You will get information about the help available for your child. Together, you can plan what you would like to do next.
What if the assessment shows my child has good vision?
Even though your child was referred from the vision screen, the more extensive testing may find no important problems.
Your rights
It is important that you have enough information following the vision screen to help you decide whether you want your child referred for a full assessment. You may also want to discuss it with your partner, family or whānau.
For more information:
Contact the Vision Hearing Technician who screened your child - their contact details are to the right. They can advise you on getting an appointment for your child. Or talk to your optometrist or ophthalmologist, or with your doctor.
To find out more about children’s hearing screening, or to download this brochure, visit the Ministry of Health website or call the free 24-hour health advice service, Plunketline on 0800 933 922.