B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians – English version – HE2433

Pamphlet in English introducing and explaining the B4 School Check – the final Well Child health check in the year before children start school. To be given out by Well Child providers along with the English consent form (see related links below). This resource contains information about how to contact a local provider in your area.
Please note that orders are restricted to 500.
The full resource:
B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians
Turned 4? Get your free B4 school check!
What is the B4 School Check?
The B4 School Check is free for every 4 year old child in New Zealand, and is the last Well Child check. It’s a good idea for your child to have their B4 School Check soon after their 4th birthday. That leaves enough time to follow up before they start school.
It is a chance to have your child’s health and development checked before they start school. The Check is an opportunity for you to talk with a nurse about your child and ask about things important to you – and it won’t cost you a thing. Your child will also have their vision and hearing checked.
After the check, you can get a copy of the results.
What happens in the B4 School Check?
You will be asked to fill in questionnaires about your child’s development and wellbeing.
If your child attends a preschool, kindergarten, or kōhanga reo, they may also be asked about your child’s learning and development.
You and your child will have about a 45 minute appointment with a nurse. You will be able to talk with the nurse about your child’s wellbeing and can ask about anything that is worrying you.
The Nurse will talk to you about:
Your child’s health and development, teeth, height, weight, social and emotional wellbeing, and immunisations.
Your child’s vision and hearing will be assessed by a vision and hearing technician, so this may happen at a different time.
What happens after the B4 School Check?
After the check, you can get a copy of the results, and ask any further questions about your child’s health and development.
Please bring along your child’s Well Child Tamariki Ora Health Book, so the nurse can record your child’s growth and development.
If you or the nurse thinks your child has any health or development issues that need further assessment, the nurse will discuss this with you and offer to refer you to other services that may help. The nurse can also help if your child needs any catch up immunisations.
How does my child get a B4 School Check?
Your child’s B4 School Check is due when they turn 4. To find out more or to book a check contact your local provider.
Get more information about the free B4 School Check:
- Talk to your family doctor or nurse, Well Child Tamariki Ora provider or public health nurse
- Visit health.govt.nz/b4schoolcheck
- Call for your local provider
Code: HE2433.