National Bowel Screening Programme National campaign poster A3 Cook Islands Māori - HE2632

April 2023
This resource relates to the following topics:

National bowel screening campaign posters, A3 size in English, Cook Islands Māori. Posters can be used by anyone who wants to support and promote the bowel screening programme.

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April 2023
April 2023
Poster A3
HE code
Cook Islands Māori

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Ko te ioio’anga ngākau, māmā ‘ua rāi

Ka Rauka ‘ua iā koe i te rave!

Kāre ‘ē tūtaki - Rave ‘ua mai koe ‘i tā’au tu’anga mei te ngutu’are

Mē e 60 ki te 74 ō’ou mata’iti, kā tau koe nō te i’oi’o’anga ngākau ma te kore ‘e tūtaki. Ka tukuna ‘ia atu te ko’u nō teia i’oi’o’anga kiā koe, ‘i te au rua mata’iti roa rāi. Nā roto i teia i’oi’o’anga ngākau, ē kitea vave’ia ei te ‘ōviri o te ngākau, kia ngō’ie ‘ua i te rapakau atu ‘i tēreira. Mē tae atu tā’au ko’u, rave mai rāi koe i tā’au tu’anga. Pēnei ē, ko tō’ou ora rāi ia! 

Mē ka ‘inangaro koe i te kite ‘ō’onu atu ki roto i teia, ‘ātoro atu i te kupe roro uira mē kore ara, komakoma atu ki tō’ou Taote

Code: HE2632


English version says:

You've got this!

Free - Do it at home

If you’re aged 60 to 74, you can have free bowel screening. A bowel screening test kit will be sent to your home every two years. This simple test can help find bowel cancer early when it can often be successfully treated. When you get the test, just do it! It could save your life.